With constant development of innovative programs and modern methodology, we enable and encourage students to acquire knowledge, skills and master productive competences, which will enable them to get an effective entry into the world of work and profession, which will achieve the desired life goals.
In the realization of the Mission, the School also achieves the following specific goals:
Through the educational activities the Faculty creates educated, communicative, team-co-operating and ethically correct graduate students who are able to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and spheres in the field of culture, media and communication.
The School encourages and organizes educational and scientific research activity in the work of teachers, associates, students in order to achieve the high quality of academic studies and thus contribute to the improvement of the overall academic educational and scientific areas in Serbia.
In accordance with legal regulations, by-laws and norms of the scientific and academic community, the School is working on developing positive academic values by educating and directing the overall development of young experts for the future.
In particular, the school takes care that the curriculum is formed on the basis of the results of research and meeting the needs of the economy, society and future students, and thus contributes to increasing the employability of graduates and their residency and work in Serbia.
The Faculty continuously implements the quality policy and through the processes of self-evaluation constantly improves the quality of work and involves employees and associates in the continuous improvement and modeling of educational and scientific activities according to the needs of the society as a whole.
The School encourages corporate social responsibility and philanthropy through allocations from its profits to finance the educational and scientific activities of students, employees and the wider community. In financial planning, the School gives priority to investments in creating conditions for a better work, educational and scientific process in the School.